COST Hata model

The COST-Hata-Model is the most often cited of the COST 231 models. Also called the Hata Model PCS Extension, it is a radio propagation model that extends the Hata Model (which in turn is based on the Okumura Model) to cover a more elaborated range of frequencies.[1] COST (COperation européenne dans le domaine de la recherche Scientifique et Technique) is a European Union Forum for cooperative scientific research which has developed this model accordingly to various experiments and researches.


Applicable To / Under Conditions

This model is applicable to urban areas. To further evaluate Path Loss in Suburban or Rural Quasi-open/Open Areas, this path loss has to be substituted into Urban to Rural/Urban to Suburban Conversions. (Ray GAO, 09 Sep 2007)


Mathematical Formulation

The COST-Hata-Model is formulated as,

L \; = \; 46.3 \; %2B \; 33.9\log f \; - \; 13.82 \log h_B \; - \; a(h_R) \; %2B \; [44.9 \;- \;6.55 \log h_B] \log d \; %2B \; C

For suburban or rural enviorenmments:

a(h_R)\;=\;(1.1\log f\;-\;0.7)h_R\;-\;(1.56\log f\;-\;0.8)

C \; = \; \begin{cases} 0 \; dB \mbox{  for medium cities and suburban areas} \\ 3 \; dB \mbox{  for metropolitan areas} \end{cases}


L = Median path loss. Unit: Decibel (dB)

f = Frequency of Transmission. Unit: Megahertz (MHz)

hB = Base Station Antenna effective height. Unit: Meter (m)

d = Link distance. Unit: Kilometer (km)

hR = Mobile Station Antenna effective height. Unit: Meter (m)

a(hR) = Mobile station Antenna height correction factor as described in the Hata Model for Urban Areas.

Points to Note

The European Co-operative for Scientific and Technical research (EUROCOST) formed the COST-231 working committee to develop an extended version of the Hata model. COST-231 proposed the following formula to extend Hata's model to 2 GHz. The proposed model for path loss is

L50(urban) = 46.3 + 33.9 log fc - 13.82 log hte - a (hre) + (44.9 - 6.55 log hte) log d + Cm where a(hre) is the correction factor for effective mobile antenna height which is a function of the size of the coverage area.

          0dB for medium sized city and suburban areas

Cm =

          3 dB for metropolitan centers
       The COST-231 extension of the Hata model is restricted to the following

range of parameters:

   f : 1500 MHz to 2000 MHz
   hte :3Omto200m
   hre :lmtolOm
   d :lkmto2okm


This model requires that the base station antenna is higher than all adjacent rooftops.


  1. ^ Final report for COST Action 231, Chapter 4

See also